Sample Page

This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most…

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Five data visualisation tips for better reporting

BI reporting has become an indispensable part of any company. In business intelligence, companies sometimes have to choose between tools such as PowerBI, QlikSense, Tableau, MikroStrategy, Looker or DataStudio (and…

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What Data Scientists should know about Data Security

Every data scientist, data analyst or data engineer rarely works only with open data, but with internal company data that is of great importance for business success. All the more reason why these experts in data storage and analysis should always think about data security and observe certain rules and principles. In addition to the technical security of the data, legal security also plays a role.

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What does a CDO actually do?

A CDO should hardly be missing in any company, because in fact this position is the pioneer and driver of digitalisation - both of the company's products and processes. At…

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IT bosses lack a data strategy

Many companies discuss how they should strategically approach the digital transformation. A clear data strategy would be much more important. When it comes to a roadmap towards artificial intelligence (AI)…

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Introduction to process mining

"Process mining is an innovative discipline among Big Data technologies and makes it possible to analyse and map processes from data. This gives companies comprehensive insights into their processes," says…

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